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Regular Classroom Courses & Classes in Andhra Pradesh by Nishrinkala Dance Academy

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Active Filters : Delivery : Classroom | Mode : Regular | Provider : Nishrinkala Dance Academy | Provider Location : Andhra Pradesh

Adult Dance Classes

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Kuchipudi

Course Content: In this batch, students of all ages, beginners or people with prior training have the opportunity to touch base with Kuchipudi again. For many people this class means different things. For some it's getting back to what they learnt in childhood. For some it is a different form of exercise. For some it is to try something new and explore their hidden passion to dance. Students are trained at their ...

Category: Classical Dance

Nishrinkala Dance Academy

Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad)
Nishrinkala Dance AcademyNishrinkala Dance Academy is dedicated to the development and training of students in the art of Kuchipudi (Indian classical dance form). Based in Hyd...

Mango Yellow Dance Classes

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Kuchipudi

Course Content: Students are introduced into the world of professional dance training. This is a very basic class which introduces young children into dance postures, rhythm, physical endurance and flexibility.

Category: Classical Dance

Nishrinkala Dance Academy

Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad)
Nishrinkala Dance AcademyNishrinkala Dance Academy is dedicated to the development and training of students in the art of Kuchipudi (Indian classical dance form). Based in Hyd...

Lotus Pink Dance Classes

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Kuchipudi

Course Content: In this level students learn the steps of the traditional Kuchipudi style of dance. The pace of this course requires a certain level of mental maturity and ability to grasp new concepts which children develop after the age of ten. Physical fitness, endurance, flexibility, hand-leg-body- mind coordination are all developed along with training in the actual steps of Kuchipudi.

Category: Classical Dance

Nishrinkala Dance Academy

Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad)
Nishrinkala Dance AcademyNishrinkala Dance Academy is dedicated to the development and training of students in the art of Kuchipudi (Indian classical dance form). Based in Hyd...

Terracotta Red Dance Classes

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Kuchipudi

Course Content: In this level, students are expected to have undergone prior training in the basic steps of the traditional Kuchipudi style we teach in the lotus pink level. (either at Nishrinkala or any other good dance school). The students are taught combinations of steps or what we call 'Jaathis' . This is an intermediate level before moving on to the most advanced levels of Kuchipudi. Again emphasis is given...

Category: Classical Dance

Nishrinkala Dance Academy

Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad)
Nishrinkala Dance AcademyNishrinkala Dance Academy is dedicated to the development and training of students in the art of Kuchipudi (Indian classical dance form). Based in Hyd...

Summer Dance Workshop

Regular | Classroom | Workshop

Learn: Kuchipudi

Course Content: The Academy is conducting a summer workshop for the month of July and august for NRI students Classical Dance, Gymnastics further details Venue : Nishrinkala Dance Academy

Category: Classical Dance

Nishrinkala Dance Academy

Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad)
Nishrinkala Dance AcademyNishrinkala Dance Academy is dedicated to the development and training of students in the art of Kuchipudi (Indian classical dance form). Based in Hyd...

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