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Courses & Classes in Patna by Xplora Design Skool

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Location :- Patna  
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Active Filters : Price (Fees) : Unknown | Duration : 1 - 3 Months | Provider : Xplora Design Skool | Provider Location : Patna

Certificate in Graphics

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: CorelDRAW | Adobe Illustrator

Course Content: • Corel • Illustrator • Printing & Resolution

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Xplora Design Skool

Patna (Patna-Boring Road)
Xplora Design SkoolXplora Design Skool (XDS), India’s premier ISO certified Multimedia & Animation Vocational Education Company, that has over the last decade ...

Certificate in Animation

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: Adobe Flash | Sound Forge

Course Content: • Flash • Sound Forge

Category: Web Technologies | Audio/Video Editing

Xplora Design Skool

Patna (Patna-Boring Road)
Xplora Design SkoolXplora Design Skool (XDS), India’s premier ISO certified Multimedia & Animation Vocational Education Company, that has over the last decade ...

Certificate in Web

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: Adobe Photoshop | HTML | Adobe Dreamweaver

Course Content: • WWW • Photoshop • HTML • Dreamweaver • Uploading

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia | Web Technologies

Xplora Design Skool

Patna (Patna-Boring Road)
Xplora Design SkoolXplora Design Skool (XDS), India’s premier ISO certified Multimedia & Animation Vocational Education Company, that has over the last decade ...

Maya Xplored Advance

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months (Total 99 Hrs)
Learn: Maya 3D Animation | Advanced Rigging

Course Content: For enthusiasts who wish to pursue Maya as a profession, this could act as a strong stand alone module which may give a student or a professional hands on experience, thorough theoretical understanding as well as great insight into demo reel creation. This program aims at offering 11 specialized assignments & over 200+ hours of learning experience. This level of Maya encompasses 5 Mantras cove...

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Xplora Design Skool

Patna (Patna-Boring Road)
Xplora Design SkoolXplora Design Skool (XDS), India’s premier ISO certified Multimedia & Animation Vocational Education Company, that has over the last decade ...

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