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Vacation Courses & Classes in Delhi

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Location :- Delhi  
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Active Filters : Price (Fees) : Unknown | Mode : Vacation | Provider Location : Delhi

CFP - Certified Financial Planner by FPSB

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Certified Financial Planner | Retirement Planning | Investment Planning | Financial Planning | CFP Certification | +

Course Content: ABOUT CFP India is going through its best phase ever and Indians are savoring opportunities and reaping benefits unlike ever before. Every sector is registering steady growth and the average Indian Wallet is bulging in size steadily. With all that income coming in, the question to ask is, are Indians planning for their future and their money well enough? Yes, they are investing in term deposits, s...

Category: Finance | Investments | Finance and Account Entrance Exam | Insurance Processes | Taxation | Asset & Wealth Management

Vantage Institute Of Financial Markets

Delhi (New Delhi)
Vantage Institute Of Financial MarketsVantage Corporate Services Ltd., the company established in 1991, is headquartered in Mumbai. The company acted as a Securities Exchange Board of Indi...

Speech & Drama - Camps / Vacation Batches

Vacation | Classroom | Camp

Course Content: Camps, Summer / Winter Provide Value- Based Learning to the Learner. Foster personal growth in a highly supportive environment Emphasis on Speech and Personality Development of the Learner Encourage students to form social relationships and make new friends. Instill the lifelong values of Teamwork and Individual Responsibility. Build an Individual Character, Confidence and Communication Skills thr...

Category: Drama & Theatre | Personality Development | Communication Skills

Helen O'Grady International

Delhi (New Delhi)
Helen O'Grady InternationalThe Helen O’Grady system is a developmental drama system that has taken the world by storm. Founded in Australia in 1979, the system is widely u...

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