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Vacation Courses & Classes in Maharashtra

View 5 courses from 2 providers
Location :- Maharashtra  
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Active Filters : Duration : 3 - 12 Months | Mode : Vacation | Provider Location : Maharashtra

CFP - Certified Financial Planner by FPSB

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Certified Financial Planner | Retirement Planning | Investment Planning | Financial Planning | CFP Certification | +

Course Content: ABOUT CFP India is going through its best phase ever and Indians are savoring opportunities and reaping benefits unlike ever before. Every sector is registering steady growth and the average Indian Wallet is bulging in size steadily. With all that income coming in, the question to ask is, are Indians planning for their future and their money well enough? Yes, they are investing in term deposits, s...

Category: Finance | Investments | Finance and Account Entrance Exam | Insurance Processes | Taxation | Asset & Wealth Management

Vantage Institute Of Financial Markets

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Thane ...)
Vantage Institute Of Financial MarketsVantage Corporate Services Ltd., the company established in 1991, is headquartered in Mumbai. The company acted as a Securities Exchange Board of Indi...

Foundation Builder Program for VII

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
INR 39,326
Per Course
(Taxes Included)
Learn: NTSE | NSO | IMO | MTSE | IPM

Course Content: Course Description: This program is the first is the step towards nurturing the young of the country. All competitive, aptitude and professional exams ranging from JEE, AIIMS,NEET etc have a significant component focusing on fundamentals. As fundamentals in science & maths play a pivotal role when a student steps out into the professional world, hence the need of the hour & focus of this p...

Category: Scholarship Exams | Science Competitions | Mathematics Competitions

IIT-ian's PACE

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai ...)
IIT-ian's PACEWhy PACE? Experts in Integrated Learning Model PACE has perfected the Integrated Program over 6 years of rigorous experience battling various problems...

Foundation Builder Program for VIII

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
INR 47,191
Per Course
(Taxes Included)

Course Content: Course Description: This program is the first is the step towards nurturing the young of the country. All competitive, aptitude and professional exams ranging from JEE, AIIMS,NEET etc have a significant component focusing on fundamentals. As fundamentals in science & maths play a pivotal role when a student steps out into the professional world, hence the need of the hour & focus of this p...

Category: Science Competitions | Mathematics Competitions

IIT-ian's PACE

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai ...)
IIT-ian's PACEWhy PACE? Experts in Integrated Learning Model PACE has perfected the Integrated Program over 6 years of rigorous experience battling various problems...

Foundation Builder Program for IX

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
INR 53,933
Per Course
(Taxes Included)

Course Content: Course Description: This program is the first is the step towards nurturing the young of the country. All competitive, aptitude and professional exams ranging from JEE, AIIMS,NEET etc have a significant component focusing on fundamentals. As fundamentals in science & maths play a pivotal role when a student steps out into the professional world, hence the need of the hour & focus of this p...

Category: Science Competitions | Mathematics Competitions

IIT-ian's PACE

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai ...)
IIT-ian's PACEWhy PACE? Experts in Integrated Learning Model PACE has perfected the Integrated Program over 6 years of rigorous experience battling various problems...

Foundation Builder Program for X

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
INR 61,798
Per Course
(Taxes Included)

Course Content: Course Description: This program is the first is the step towards nurturing the young of the country. All competitive, aptitude and professional exams ranging from JEE, AIIMS,NEET etc have a significant component focusing on fundamentals. As fundamentals in science & maths play a pivotal role when a student steps out into the professional world, hence the need of the hour & focus of this p...

Category: Scholarship Exams | Science Competitions | Mathematics Competitions

IIT-ian's PACE

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai ...)
IIT-ian's PACEWhy PACE? Experts in Integrated Learning Model PACE has perfected the Integrated Program over 6 years of rigorous experience battling various problems...

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