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Weekend Courses & Classes in Maharashtra by Art Orbit Art-N-Craft World

View 5 courses from 1 providers
Location :- Maharashtra  
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Active Filters : Mode : Weekend | Provider : Art Orbit Art-N-Craft World | Provider Location : Maharashtra

Warli Art

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Warli Painting

Course Content: Material will be provided Starting on 2 nd September

Category: Painting

Art Orbit Art-N-Craft World

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai)
Art Orbit Is an all encompassing Art station which is a must halt for all those who love, appreciate and aspire to exhibit their art. It renders to th...

One Stroke Art

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: One Stroke Art

Category: Painting

Art Orbit Art-N-Craft World

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai)
Art Orbit Is an all encompassing Art station which is a must halt for all those who love, appreciate and aspire to exhibit their art. It renders to th...

Punch Craft

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Punch Craft

Category: Crafts

Art Orbit Art-N-Craft World

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai)
Art Orbit Is an all encompassing Art station which is a must halt for all those who love, appreciate and aspire to exhibit their art. It renders to th...


Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Calligraphy

Category: Hand Writing/Calligraphy

Art Orbit Art-N-Craft World

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai)
Art Orbit Is an all encompassing Art station which is a must halt for all those who love, appreciate and aspire to exhibit their art. It renders to th...

Lamassa Clay Art

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Lamassa Clay Art

Category: Clay Art/Modeling

Art Orbit Art-N-Craft World

Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai)
Art Orbit Is an all encompassing Art station which is a must halt for all those who love, appreciate and aspire to exhibit their art. It renders to th...

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