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Regular Classroom Courses & Classes in Ajmer Road, Jaipur

View 10 courses from 2 providers
Location :- Ajmer Road, Jaipur  
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Active Filters : Duration : 3 - 12 Months | Delivery : Classroom | Mode : Regular | Provider Location : Ajmer Road, Jaipur

Teacher Training

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Visual Aided Teaching | Primary Teachers Training | Preschool Teacher Training

Course Content: Course run by : The Tree House Education Academy Course duration : This course is open to women only. Duration of the course is 3 months. Theory classes will be held every weekday from 2pm to 4 pm at designated centres. During the morning, the trainees do their internship in real classrooms on all weekdays between 9am to 1 pm. Age limit : no limit subject to meeting qualification criteria Centres ...

Category: Teacher Education & Teacher Training

The Tree House

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
The Tree HouseWe are one of the leading providers of educational services in India. We operate the largest number of self-operated pre-schools in India. (Source: CR...

Diploma in Animation

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: 2D Animation | 3D Animation

Course Content: This course has been developed to provide knowledge in 3D animation. It covers fundamentals of art, design and animation principles. The students are exposed to 3D animation in detail & are finally taught compositing with "After effects & Fusion". At the end of the course the students will be able to develop a 3D portfolio. Course Contents Module 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ART, DESIGN & COMPUTE...

Category: Diploma in Animation | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)India's Premier Classical & Digital Animation Institute Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA) is the nation's first full-fledged Classical and Digi...

Diploma In Visual Effects

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Visual effects VFX

Course Content: This course provides an entry to the Visual Effects world. The course starts with fundamentals of art, design & CG. Then exposing the students to 3D computer graphics & further strengthening their skills on tracking, rotoscopy & compositing, which form the base in visual effects. Course Contents Module 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ART, DESIGN & COMPUTER GRAPHICS (2 MONTHS) • History of ...

Category: Diploma in Visual effects (VFX) | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)India's Premier Classical & Digital Animation Institute Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA) is the nation's first full-fledged Classical and Digi...

THESE English Made Easy

Regular | Classroom | Kids Activities

Duration: 9 Months (Total 72 Hrs)
Learn: English | Spoken English | Grammar | Vocabulary | Interpersonal Skills

Course Content: THESE is a great new way to learn spoken English. Students have the opportunity to engage in challenging fun speaking and listening activities. Children learn how to think in English as well as to speak fluently in English. THESE is structured in a away to enrich every student with English Grammar, vocabulary , diction intonation , word and sentence stress , interpersonal skills by working in team...

Category: Language & Linguistics | Personality Development

The Tree House

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
The Tree HouseWe are one of the leading providers of educational services in India. We operate the largest number of self-operated pre-schools in India. (Source: CR...

THEM Exploring Mathematics

Regular | Classroom | Kids Activities

Duration: 9 Months (Total 72 Hrs)
Learn: Mathematical Logic | Memory Improvement

Course Content: THEM is a cutting edge program designed specifically for children who would like to get their basic Math concepts strengthened. This is a program where students can practice all aspects of Maths in a fun and stress free way. Our innovative Math skill development program helps the basic brain skills that are required to succeed in Maths. • The course is conducted for 9 months. So in all there...

Category: Mathematics, Logic & Statistics | Personality Development

The Tree House

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
The Tree HouseWe are one of the leading providers of educational services in India. We operate the largest number of self-operated pre-schools in India. (Source: CR...

Certificate in 2D Animation

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: 2D Animation

Course Content: This course has been developed to provide knowledge in 2D traditional and digital animation. The first semester of the course covers fundamentals of art and design and the second semester deals with 2D classical and digital animation. At the end of the course, the student will be able to develop 2D animation portfolio. This program is for 2D animation enthusiasts & ideally suited for students ...

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)India's Premier Classical & Digital Animation Institute Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA) is the nation's first full-fledged Classical and Digi...

Certificate in Gaming

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 8 Months
Learn: Game Design

Course Content: The gaming industry in India is fast growing. This course will provide an entry into the same. The course starts with the fundamentals of Game design & then moves on to game art & 3D asset creation. It's focus will be on the needs of the gaming industry. Course Contents Module 1 INTRODUCTION TO GAME DESIGNING (20 DAYS) • Understanding the Game • The Concept • Fleshing out...

Category: Gaming

Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)India's Premier Classical & Digital Animation Institute Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA) is the nation's first full-fledged Classical and Digi...

Certificate in Graphics Designing

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Graphic Designing

Course Content: Graphic Designing is a combination of text, images, designs & illustration in a presentable layout for print. It has a wide area of requirement like design for art, illustration, advertising, photography, image editing, newspaper, magazines, displays etc to name a few. Our course caters to all different forms of print related activities, where a student learns from basics till the advance form...

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)India's Premier Classical & Digital Animation Institute Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA) is the nation's first full-fledged Classical and Digi...

Certificate in Web Designing

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Web Designing

Course Content: Web designing typically includes a combination of text, images, animation, audio video & other interactive forms of media, embedded in the presentable form for web / internet. This program exposes you to the art & technology of creating web templates, web banners, static as well as interactive flash web pages and animated e-presentations. Course Contents • Website Design concept R...

Category: Web Technologies

Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)India's Premier Classical & Digital Animation Institute Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA) is the nation's first full-fledged Classical and Digi...

Certificate in Rotoscopy

Regular | Classroom | Camp

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Rotoscopy

Course Content: Rotoscoping is an animation technique in which animators trace over live-action film movement, frame by frame for it's use in live & animated films. In the VFX industry, the term Rotoscoping refers to the technique of manually creating a matte for an element on a live-action plate, so it may be composited over another background. In the specified area, visual effect artists can clean-up, use e...

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)

Ajmer Road, Jaipur
Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA)India's Premier Classical & Digital Animation Institute Zee Institute of Creative Art (ZICA) is the nation's first full-fledged Classical and Digi...

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