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Regular Courses & Classes in Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur

View 19 courses from 2 providers
Location :- Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur  
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Active Filters : Price (Fees) : Unknown | Duration : 3 - 12 Months | Mode : Regular | Provider Location : Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur

Certificate Course in Modeling

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months

Course Content: Modeling today has become one of the most sought after career options for youngsters in India. This is one of the most thrilling as well as lucrative profession; it attracts males and females equally though there was a time when females dominated the field. With the expansion of consumerism and media there has been a fabulous boost in the ad industry. This along with upsurge in fashion industry ha...

Category: Modeling

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Advanced Certificate Course in Modeling

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months

Course Content: Term 1: Basics of modeling, portfolio posses, grooming body language, casting couch culture, middleman threat hair& skin care, fitness & diet, positive mental attitude, basic acting classes. Mandatory term performance test Term2: Detailed study of modeling ramp& cat walk, green room & back stage Management, modeling agency management, television modeling, print modeling/still model...

Category: Modeling

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Certificate Course in Acting

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months

Course Content: Term 1: Origin of Acting, Fundamentals of acting and all aspects of film making, Editing, cinematography, Lighting, Sound,Writing, Cinematography, Film Animation and visual effects. Mandatory term performances. Term 2: Enhancement, Body language, Cinematography and dialogue delivery, Gestures, Single character Group of Characters, humor, tearjerker, international and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Stude...

Category: Acting

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Advanced Certificate Course in Acting

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months

Course Content: Term 1: Brush up of Fundamentals of acting/modeling and all aspects of film making-editing, Cinematography, Lighting, Sound, Writing, Cinematography Film Animation and Visual Effects, Acting and steps, Get ups Facial Language, Characterization, Then Keen Eye, Ambience, Fashion vitality. Mandatory Term Performance Test Term2: Acting Psyche, Acting techniques, overcoming problems, modeling, Stage an...

Category: Acting

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Certificate Course in Direction

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Film Direction

Course Content: Term 1: Origin of Direction, Fundamentals of Cinematography and all aspects of film making –Editing, Sound, Lightning, Writing, Acting, Cinematography, Film Animation and visual effects, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory term performances Test. Term 2: Directing a tale, directing a Reality, Directing a Brand, Directing Song Sequences. Mandatory student’s project and Term Perfo...

Category: Film Making & Television

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Teacher Training

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Visual Aided Teaching | Primary Teachers Training | Preschool Teacher Training

Course Content: Course run by : The Tree House Education Academy Course duration : This course is open to women only. Duration of the course is 3 months. Theory classes will be held every weekday from 2pm to 4 pm at designated centres. During the morning, the trainees do their internship in real classrooms on all weekdays between 9am to 1 pm. Age limit : no limit subject to meeting qualification criteria Centres ...

Category: Teacher Education & Teacher Training

The Tree House

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
The Tree HouseWe are one of the leading providers of educational services in India. We operate the largest number of self-operated pre-schools in India. (Source: CR...

Advanced Certificate Course in Direction

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Film Direction

Course Content: Term 1: Brush up of Fundamentals of Cinematography and all aspects of film making-editing, Cinematography, Lighting, Sound, Writing, Cinematography Film Animation and Visual Effects, Acting and steps, Get ups Facial Language, Characterization, Imagining the shots, various skills of Cinematography, Innovative Cinematography international and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Term Performance Test Term2: Dir...

Category: Film Making & Television

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Certificate Course in Cinematography

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Cinematography

Course Content: Term 1: Origin of Cinematography, Fundamentals of Cinematography and all aspects of film making –Editing, Sound, Lightning, Writing, Acting, Cinematography, Film Animation and visual effects, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory term performances Test Term 2: Visual Art, Stills and movements, Light, Camera, Techniques, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Students project and Ter...

Category: Film Making & Television

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Advanced Certificate Course in Cinematography

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Cinematography

Course Content: Term 1: Brush up of Fundamentals of Cinematography and all aspects of film making-editing, Lighting, Sound, Writing, Cinematography Film Animation and Visual Effects, Filters, Use of Lenses, Digital Camera, Trick Cinematography, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Term Performance Test Term2: Detailed Study Of Film And Video Camera, Creative use Of Lenses and Filters, Creative Lighting, A S...

Category: Film Making & Television

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Certificate Course in Editing

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months

Course Content: Term 1: Origin of Editing, Fundamentals of Acting and all aspects of film making –Editing, Sound, Lightning, Writing, Acting, Cinematography, Film Animation and visual effects, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Term Performances Test Term 2: Editing as an art and craft of film & television production, Film and Video Editing, Role of the editor and his/her relationship with the d...

Category: Audio/Video Editing

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

THESE English Made Easy

Regular | Classroom | Kids Activities

Duration: 9 Months (Total 72 Hrs)
Learn: English | Spoken English | Grammar | Vocabulary | Interpersonal Skills

Course Content: THESE is a great new way to learn spoken English. Students have the opportunity to engage in challenging fun speaking and listening activities. Children learn how to think in English as well as to speak fluently in English. THESE is structured in a away to enrich every student with English Grammar, vocabulary , diction intonation , word and sentence stress , interpersonal skills by working in team...

Category: Language & Linguistics | Personality Development

The Tree House

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
The Tree HouseWe are one of the leading providers of educational services in India. We operate the largest number of self-operated pre-schools in India. (Source: CR...

Advanced Certificate Course in Editing

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months

Course Content: Term 1: Brush up of Fundamentals of Editing and all aspects of film making-editing, Cinematography, Lighting, Sound, Writing, Cinematography Film Animation and Visual Effects, Acting and steps, Get ups Facial Language, Characterization, Imagining the shots, various skills of Cinematography, Innovative Cinematography international and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Term Performance Test Term2: Principles...

Category: Audio/Video Editing

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

THEM Exploring Mathematics

Regular | Classroom | Kids Activities

Duration: 9 Months (Total 72 Hrs)
Learn: Mathematical Logic | Memory Improvement

Course Content: THEM is a cutting edge program designed specifically for children who would like to get their basic Math concepts strengthened. This is a program where students can practice all aspects of Maths in a fun and stress free way. Our innovative Math skill development program helps the basic brain skills that are required to succeed in Maths. • The course is conducted for 9 months. So in all there...

Category: Mathematics, Logic & Statistics | Personality Development

The Tree House

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
The Tree HouseWe are one of the leading providers of educational services in India. We operate the largest number of self-operated pre-schools in India. (Source: CR...

Certificate Course in Film Animation & Visual Effects

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 5 Months
Learn: Visual effects VFX | Computer Animation

Course Content: Term 1: Origin of Film Animation & visual Effects. Fundamentals of Acting and all aspects of film making –Editing, Sound, Lightning, Writing, Acting, Cinematography, Film Animation and visual effects, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Term Performances Test Term 2: Basics animation exercise, fundamentals of character design and layouts. Key animation, Gestures, Expressions and p...

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Advanced Certificate Course in Film Animation & Visual Effects

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Computer Animation | Visual effects VFX

Course Content: Term 1: Brush up of Fundamentals of Film Animation & visual Effects and all aspects of film making-editing, Cinematography, Lighting, Sound, Writing, Cinematography Film Animation and Visual Effects, Acting and steps, Get ups Facial Language, Characterization, Imagining the shots, various skills of Cinematography, Innovative Cinematography international and Indian Galaxy.. Mandatory Term Perfo...

Category: Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Certificate Course in Sound

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Sound Recording

Course Content: Term 1: Origin of Sound. Fundamentals of Sound and all aspects of film making –Editing, Sound, Lightning, Writing, Acting, Cinematography, Film Animation and visual effects, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Term Performances Test Term 2: Sound recording and reproduction, Music recording using digital audio workstation, Analog and Digital Audio, Studio Acoustics and Psycho Acoustics...

Category: Music Production

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Advanced Certificate Course in Sound

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Sound Recording

Course Content: Term 1: Brush up of Fundamentals of Sound and all aspects of film making about Mics and Studio Microphones, microphones used outdoors, directionality of microphones, microphone sound quality, Dubbing and recording vocals, wind screen, bass Roll off, preparing for a shoot, time code slates and in-camera, Time code Encoding, Location Sound, The sound Team, music, narration and effects, mono stereo R...

Category: Music Production

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Certificate Course in Writing

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Story Writing

Course Content: Term 1: Origin of Writing, Fundamentals of Writing and all aspects of film making –Editing, Sound, Lightning, Writing, Acting, Cinematography, Film Animation and visual effects, International and Indian Galaxy. Term 2: Writing a story, Writing the Screenplay, writing the Dialogues, Writing Songs, International and Indian Galaxy. Mandatory Students project and Term Performance Test Career: On...

Category: Film Making & Television

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

Advanced Certificate Course in Writing

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Story Writing

Course Content: Term 1: Brush up of Fundamentals of Writing and all aspects of film making –Editing, Cinematography, Lightning, Sound, Acting, Direction Film Animation and Visual Effects. Imagination and scripting. Development of a Script, The complete script, reviewing a film. Mandatory Term Performance Test Term2: Sorting of Script, Selling the Script, A successful Writer, International And Indian Galaxy....

Category: Film Making & Television

Cinelanza Film & Modelling Academy

Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Cinelanza Film & Modelling AcademyCINELANZA-Institute of media Arts, is the latest media education hub and a new hot spot for the media world a combination of a creative urge and techn...

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