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Vacation Courses & Classes in India by Tendulkar Languages Academy

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Active Filters : Price (Fees) : Unknown | Mode : Vacation | Provider : Tendulkar Languages Academy

Board Graduate Course

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 20 Sessions
Learn: Spoken English | Grammar | Conversational English

Course Content: English course for board and graduate students-we very well understand the increasing references of English in day to day lifestyle. Course will work on some key areas of language building. Course will give ample confidence to use English in day to day situation. The focus of the course is to develop communication skills and understanding of grammar structure. Courses are held in vacation, immedia...

Category: Language & Linguistics

Tendulkar Languages Academy

India (Maharashtra)
Tendulkar Languages AcademyTendulkar’s Academy – one of Mumbai’s premier language academy, established in 1994 has been continuously striving to develop method...

Board Graduate Course

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 30 Sessions
Learn: Spoken English | Grammar | Conversational English

Course Content: English course for board and graduate students-we very well understand the increasing references of English in day to day lifestyle. Course will work on some key areas of language building. Course will give ample confidence to use English in day to day situation. The focus of the course is to develop communication skills and understanding of grammar structure. Courses are held in vacation, immedia...

Category: Language & Linguistics

Tendulkar Languages Academy

India (Maharashtra)
Tendulkar Languages AcademyTendulkar’s Academy – one of Mumbai’s premier language academy, established in 1994 has been continuously striving to develop method...

Board Graduate Course

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 40 Sessions
Learn: Spoken English | Grammar | Conversational English

Course Content: English course for board and graduate students-we very well understand the increasing references of English in day to day lifestyle. Course will work on some key areas of language building. Course will give ample confidence to use English in day to day situation. The focus of the course is to develop communication skills and understanding of grammar structure. Courses are held in vacation, immedia...

Category: Language & Linguistics

Tendulkar Languages Academy

India (Maharashtra)
Tendulkar Languages AcademyTendulkar’s Academy – one of Mumbai’s premier language academy, established in 1994 has been continuously striving to develop method...

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