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Classroom Certificate Courses in Ahmednagar

View 5 courses from 2 providers
Location :- Ahmednagar  
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Active Filters : Course Type : Certificate | Duration : 3 - 12 Months | Delivery : Classroom | Provider Location : Ahmednagar

Jetking Certified Hardware and Networking Engineer (JCHNE )

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 12 Months
Learn: Computer Hardware

Course Content: JCHNE empowers you to face real life problems in the field of Hardware and Networking. It is designed to make you job ready from day one. With the help of Cloud Based Training and 100% Digitized course content, it is possible for a student with non-technical background to understand the concepts of Hardware and Networking. The topics covered in this course are: Desktop Support, Networking, CCNA, S...

Category: Computer & Mobile Hardware | Networking


Ahmednagar (Laltaki Road)
JetkingEnjoying a leadership position in the IT and IMS training sector, we have trained more than 6,00,000 students who are constantly driving growth in the...

Guitar Certificate Course (Module 1)

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months, 24 Sessions
INR 6,500
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Guitar

Course Content: Guitar Hall’s guitar education takes an innovative approach to an instrument that is both deeply traditional and constantly evolving. The unique curriculum combines traditional guitar performance with cutting-edge- guitar-based technology. As a performer, you develop your guitar skills and explore a range of contemporary styles under the direction of some of Mumbai’s best working profe...

Category: Instrumental Music

Kiran Roy's Guitar Hall

Kiran Roy's Guitar HallWe have more than a decade of experience in developing and delivering high-quality courses for contemporary guitarists. Guitar Hall has pioneered the ...

Guitar Certificate Course (Module 2)

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 4 Months, 32 Sessions
INR 8,200
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Guitar

Course Content: Guitar Hall’s guitar education takes an innovative approach to an instrument that is both deeply traditional and constantly evolving. The unique curriculum combines traditional guitar performance with cutting-edge- guitar-based technology. As a performer, you develop your guitar skills and explore a range of contemporary styles under the direction of some of Mumbai’s best working profe...

Category: Instrumental Music

Kiran Roy's Guitar Hall

Kiran Roy's Guitar HallWe have more than a decade of experience in developing and delivering high-quality courses for contemporary guitarists. Guitar Hall has pioneered the ...

Guitar Certificate Course (Module 3)

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months, 48 Sessions
INR 11,600
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Guitar

Course Content: Guitar Hall’s guitar education takes an innovative approach to an instrument that is both deeply traditional and constantly evolving. The unique curriculum combines traditional guitar performance with cutting-edge- guitar-based technology. As a performer, you develop your guitar skills and explore a range of contemporary styles under the direction of some of Mumbai’s best working profe...

Category: Instrumental Music

Kiran Roy's Guitar Hall

Kiran Roy's Guitar HallWe have more than a decade of experience in developing and delivering high-quality courses for contemporary guitarists. Guitar Hall has pioneered the ...

Guitar Certificate Course (Module 4)

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 6 Months, 48 Sessions
INR 11,600
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Guitar

Course Content: Guitar Hall’s guitar education takes an innovative approach to an instrument that is both deeply traditional and constantly evolving. The unique curriculum combines traditional guitar performance with cutting-edge- guitar-based technology. As a performer, you develop your guitar skills and explore a range of contemporary styles under the direction of some of Mumbai’s best working profe...

Category: Instrumental Music

Kiran Roy's Guitar Hall

Kiran Roy's Guitar HallWe have more than a decade of experience in developing and delivering high-quality courses for contemporary guitarists. Guitar Hall has pioneered the ...

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