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Certificate Courses in Maharashtra by IITCP

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Location :- Maharashtra  
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Active Filters : Course Type : Certificate | Price (Fees) : Rs. 1001 - Rs. 5000 | Provider : IITCP | Provider Location : Maharashtra

Certificate Course in Ms Office

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 4 Weeks
INR 1,890
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Excel | Microsoft PowerPoint | Internet | Microsoft Office

Course Content: 1. Ms. Office 2. Windows 3. Word 4. Excel 5. Power Point 6. Internet

Category: Operating Systems | Office Suites and Tools | Basic Computer Training


Maharashtra (Mumbai)
Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust (IITCP) is conducted by 'Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust'.

Certificate Course in Ms Office (Basic)

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Weeks
INR 1,350
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Microsoft Office | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Excel | Internet

Course Content: 1. Ms. Office 2. Windows 3. Ms-Word 4. Ms-Excel 5. Internet

Category: Office Suites and Tools | Operating Systems | Basic Computer Training


Maharashtra (Mumbai)
Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust (IITCP) is conducted by 'Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust'.

CCC (Course on Computer Concepts) by DOEACC Society

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
INR 2,850
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Word | Microsoft Excel | Microsoft PowerPoint | Internet | Email

Course Content: Ms-Office (Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet, E-mail)

Category: Operating Systems | Office Suites and Tools | Basic Computer Training


Maharashtra (Mumbai)
Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust (IITCP) is conducted by 'Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust'.

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