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Postgraduate Diploma Courses in West Bengal

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Location :- West Bengal  
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Active Filters : Course Type : Postgraduate Diploma | Price (Fees) : Unknown | Duration : 3 - 12 Months | Provider Location : West Bengal

Post Graduate Diploma in Cosmetology (PGDC) (Beauty - Long Term Course)

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 12 Months (Total 864 Hrs)
Learn: Cosmetology

Course Content: Course Contents Skin Theory Electrology Facials Manicure Pedicure Hair Analysis and Treatments Hair Cuts Perming Colouring Hair Rebonding Skin Analysis and Treatments Aromatherapy Body Art and Nail Art Saree Tying Personal Grooming Nail Extensions (Temporary) Spa Therapies (Oriental & Western) Salon Management and Business Ethics Career Opportunities Salon Manager, Skin Expert, Beauty Advisor,...

Category: Skin & Body Care

VLCC Institute

West Bengal (Kolkata, Howrah ...)
VLCC InstituteVLCC Institute of Beauty & Nutrition was established in India in 2001 to share VLCC's dream with today's students and tomorrow's entrepreneurs.Hea...

Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Media and Entertainment

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Media & Entertainment

Course Content: The mass media - particularly radio, television and the internet - is now available in every nook and corner of the world. Mass media is growing phenomenally and providing ever increasing employment opportunities to the trained and talented people worldwide. The importance of professional management of media organizations too has now been fully realized. Beside the print media, radio and televisio...

Category: PGD in Mass Communication And Journalism | Mass Communication

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

West Bengal (Kolkata)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Post Graduate Diploma in TV Journalism and communication

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years

Course Content: The objective of the Post Graduate Diploma in TV Journalism and Communication Course is to educate and train the creative talent to an appropriate professional standard for the screen presentation. At Asian Academy of Film & TV, we believe that a complete television professional should be capable of writing, shooting, editing, presenting and directing his own show. To this end, the academy wil...

Category: PGD in TV Journalism | PGD in Mass Communication And Journalism | Journalism | Mass Communication

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

West Bengal (Kolkata)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Post Graduate Diploma in Film & TV Production

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Film Production | Television Production

Course Content: Overview Films and television presentations are powerful means of mass communication because they simultaneously influence two of our senses i.e. seeing and hearing. They delight the mind and provide relaxation to the tired and tense nerves through entertainment. Films and television presentations fascinate almost everyone. They are the most popular pastime for the majority of the people. The fact...

Category: PGD in Film & Television | Film Making & Television

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

West Bengal (Kolkata)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Post Graduate Diploma in Print and Photo Journalism

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Photo Journalism | Print Journalism

Course Content: There are journalists and there are newspapermen. The journalists are these who know how to write and newspapermen are those can help in successfully running a newspaper enterprise using some specialized knowledge. However, journalist too have to be conversant with the technical and business aspects of this profession beside the writing skills to survive in the present day competitive environment....

Category: PGD in Journalism | Journalism

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

West Bengal (Kolkata)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising Mass Communication

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years

Course Content: Advertising in the conventional sense, is communication of information about the products and services which a business enterprise or an individual wants to market. Mass communication involves the mass production and dissemination of messages by organization managed by the professionals trained to use print and electronic technologies for the rapid transmission of these messages to a large, hetero...

Category: PGD in Advertising | Advertising | Mass Communication

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

West Bengal (Kolkata)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Fashion

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Fashion Design

Course Content: • An overview. • Introduction to textiles Fiber classification,Yarn construction,Natural and artificial fibers,Weaving, Knitting and Finishing,Textile properties,Selection of right fabric,History of textile & fashion, Illustration-I • Basic figure drawing,Head, Hand, Feet and Hair study,Figure drawing from reference,Color theory,Conceptual idea and design,Collage and mood boa...

Category: PGD in Fashion Design | Fashion Design & Textile Design

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

West Bengal (Kolkata)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

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