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HSC Class 11 (FYJC) Commerce Finance and Cost Accounting Coaching Classes in India

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Active Filters : Category : HSC Class 11 (FYJC) Commerce Coaching | Learn : Finance and Cost Accounting

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

Group | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Finance and Cost Accounting | Accounts | Economics | Mathematics | Secretarial Practice (SP) | Managerial Economics | +

Course Content: Undoubtedly the most popular course when it comes to students deciding to graduate in commerce related field. B.Com or B.Com (Hons.) helps students grasp the very basics of commerce and enables them to get a broad overview of how the concepts are applied. B.Com helps students gain managerial skills and simultaneously be exposed to general business principles, organizational behavior and other face...

Category: HSC Class 11 (FYJC) Commerce Coaching | HSC Class 12 (SYJC) Commerce Coaching | First Year BCom (General) Coaching | +

Wisdom Academy

India (Maharashtra)
Mr. Prashant Ganger has been providing students of Mumbai with quality education since 1992. He was the pioneer who brought the concept of Home Tuitio...

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

Private | Home | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Finance and Cost Accounting | Accounts | Economics | Mathematics | Secretarial Practice (SP) | Managerial Economics | +

Course Content: Undoubtedly the most popular course when it comes to students deciding to graduate in commerce related field. B.Com or B.Com (Hons.) helps students grasp the very basics of commerce and enables them to get a broad overview of how the concepts are applied. B.Com helps students gain managerial skills and simultaneously be exposed to general business principles, organizational behavior and other face...

Category: HSC Class 11 (FYJC) Commerce Coaching | HSC Class 12 (SYJC) Commerce Coaching | First Year BCom (General) Coaching | +

Wisdom Academy

India (Maharashtra)
Mr. Prashant Ganger has been providing students of Mumbai with quality education since 1992. He was the pioneer who brought the concept of Home Tuitio...

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