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Interior Design Courses in Navi Mumbai by JD Institute Of Fashion Technology

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Active Filters : Category : Interior Design | Price (Fees) : Unknown | Provider : JD Institute Of Fashion Technology | Provider Location : Navi Mumbai

Diploma in Interior Designing

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years

Course Content: This is a one-year diploma program focuses on planning and designing of interior spaces for all kinds of human needs. The students create designs keeping in mind the cultural and demographical differences. Its an in depth learning program giving the students an insight of the industry and enhancing their skills based on the contemporary interior design styles. Perfecting you in the art of developi...

Category: Interior Design | Diploma in Interior Design

JD Institute Of Fashion Technology

Navi Mumbai (Vashi)
JD Institute Of Fashion TechnologyBest College For Fashion Designing in India (JD Institute of Fashion Technology) Education that gives you the Edge... JD Institute of Fashion Technolo...

B.Sc. in Interior Design

Regular | Classroom | Bachelor's Degree

Duration: 3 Years

Course Content: Are you going to be a second-hand success or a first-hand genius? In The Fountainhead, one of the most popular novels of the twentieth century, the protagonist is an architect who chooses to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision. His struggle originates in his practice of modern architecture which he believes is superior despite an establishment that worship...

Category: Interior Design | BSc in Interior Design | Science

JD Institute Of Fashion Technology

Navi Mumbai (Vashi)
JD Institute Of Fashion TechnologyBest College For Fashion Designing in India (JD Institute of Fashion Technology) Education that gives you the Edge... JD Institute of Fashion Technolo...

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