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Classroom Computers & IT Courses in Maharashtra by Creative Institute

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Active Filters : Category : Computers & IT | Price (Fees) : Unknown | Duration : Unknown Duration | Delivery : Classroom | Provider : Creative Institute | Provider Location : Maharashtra

HTML Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: HTML

Course Content: HTML is the basic language of programming so if you are making a career shift or have decided it is time to learn how to create your own Web site, HTML training is a true necessity. Most programs offer HTML training as an easy program by itself or as the first featured lesson of a class that covers the basics of Web so that when you make the decision to learn about programming, you are bound to le...

Category: Computers & IT | Web Technologies

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Ruby on Rails Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Course Content: What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails is a programming software language written in open source. To break it down, Ruby is the programming language and Rails is the open-source framework. Built by 26-year-old David Heinemeier Hansson, Ruby on Rails was developed with a desire to create simple templates and designs that eliminate problems, such as database difficulties, that Web developers face dail...

Category: Computers & IT | Web Technologies

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Ajax Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: AJAX

Course Content: Reinventing the Web Ajax is an innovative approach to Web design, a mass of top technologies working together--including HTML, XML, and JavaScript--to create interactive Web applications. Penned by computer guru Jesse James Garrett in 2005, Ajax brings fantastic new possibilities to Web design. Or as SD Times puts it: "While interactive Web pages aren’t new, Garrett defines a standards-based...

Category: Computers & IT | Web Technologies

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Animation Education

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Computer Animation

Course Content: The animation industry is growing with the proliferation of movies like Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc. Get the animation education you need to break into this revolutionary field.

Category: Computers & IT | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Graphic Design Training

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Graphic Designing

Course Content: Graphic design is a fun and fast-moving field to be in at this time. As a graphic designer, you will have the opportunity to use your creativity to do things like create a Web site image, a wedding invitation, a magazine advertisement or a t-shirt. Most people who enter the field are naturally patient, creative and give much attention to detail, however anyone considering working in the field shou...

Category: Computers & IT | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Dreamweaver Training

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Adobe Dreamweaver

Course Content: If you plan to work in web design, or if you already work in web-design, a complete understanding of Macromedia's Dreamweaver is essential. Dreamweaver is the single most powerful tool for building Web sites and fluency in the program will enable you to build original Web pages with in-depth and unique graphics. This day and age, no Web designer can be fully successful without it. Formal training ...

Category: Computers & IT | Web Technologies

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Ecommerce Training

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Course Content: Electronic commerce, otherwise known as e-commerce, is defined as commerce that is executed electronically or over the internet. E-commerce continues to grow increasingly important in the marketplace and in order to improve business performance many companies rely on e-commerce, at least in part, to boost sales and act as a marketing tool for their company. E-commerce, partnered with other marketi...

Category: Computers & IT | E-commerce

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Course Content: Run a search using a certain keyword or phrase and you will see that you literally get millions of results. Unless your website is at the top of the search results, the expense that you invest into the website is an overall waste of money, so it is essential to optimize your website by using search engine optimization techniques. First, choose the right keywords or phrases that best describe your ...

Category: Computers & IT | SEO

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Javascript Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Java Script

Course Content: Schools that offer Javascript training will offer courses in writing Web code and building Web pages. You will develop a more concrete understanding of programming concepts, working variables, methods, events and data functions. Additionally, you will better understand cookies, framesets, image swapping and numeric strings. Javascript is a complex Web language and while there are hundreds of Web s...

Category: Computers & IT | Web Technologies

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

SQL Education

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: SQL

Course Content: SQL or Structured Query Language is defined by many sources on the Web as a standard interactive and programming language used for getting information from and updating a database. Most industrial-strength and many smaller database applications can be addressed using SQL. Each specific application has its own version of SQL implementing features unique to that application, but all SQL-capable data...

Category: Computers & IT | Database Development

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Cold Fusion Programming Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Adobe Coldfusion

Course Content: Creating applications for networks is a skilled area, and for a long time the technologies that have been prevalent have been Javascript, HTML and Perl. These tools are quite complex, and take time to get to know and be able to use properly. Cold Fusion is the next generation of application development platform, which makes producing database powered software applications using web interfaces and ...

Category: Computers & IT | Web Technologies

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

Flash Programming Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Adobe Flash

Course Content: 1. Drawing in Flash Introduction Illustration Importing vectors Vectorizing images Vector and raster 2. Animation Frame Rate Key Framing Cell animation Onion Skining Importing sequence 3. Special Effects Using Filters Creating FX Typography FX 4. Video Introduction FLV Encoding Editing Videos Embedding Video 5. Sound Introduction Importing Sound Lip Syncing 6. Basic Scripting Introduction Creating...

Category: Computers & IT | Web Technologies

Creative Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
We are web designing Company who will teach you web designing. We offer the best quality training in web designing and web development. We create inno...

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