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Office Suites and Tools Courses in Maharashtra by Compufield Computer Institute

View 4 courses from 1 providers
Location :- Maharashtra  
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Active Filters : Category : Office Suites and Tools | Price (Fees) : Rs. 1001 - Rs. 5000 | Provider : Compufield Computer Institute | Provider Location : Maharashtra

Microsoft Word

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 10 Sessions
INR 2,500
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Microsoft Word

Course Content: Microsoft Word for Windows is a full-feature Word processor designed to help you work more efficiently. Microsoft Word shows you how to create effective documents using its features. You will learn how to edit, format, print documents, insert and manage tables and graphics into documents.   Salient Features • Easy and Fast Tool to create a one page Letter, a hundred page Report, etc. &#...

Category: Office Suites and Tools

Compufield Computer Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
Compufield Computer InstituteCOMPUFIELD® Computer Institute was started in 1985 by Mr. M. E. Khairaz to impart training in Internet, Digital Art, Multimedia, Software and Netw...

Microsoft Powerpoint

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 10 Sessions
INR 2,200
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Microsoft PowerPoint

Course Content: PowerPoint is the most famous and powerful presentation Program. Impressive colorful slide shows can be designed.   Salient Features • Quick and Easy, High impact visual to accompany a talk. • Fact-filled presentation with plenty of Graphs and Charts. • Sophisticated Electronic presentation. • You can assemble existing text and graphics from other Microsoft Office Appl...

Category: Office Suites and Tools

Compufield Computer Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
Compufield Computer InstituteCOMPUFIELD® Computer Institute was started in 1985 by Mr. M. E. Khairaz to impart training in Internet, Digital Art, Multimedia, Software and Netw...

Microsoft Excel

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 12 Sessions
INR 2,500
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Microsoft Excel

Course Content: Microsoft Excel for Windows is a powerful electronics spreadsheet application that can be used for managing, analyzing and presenting data in graphical manner.   Salient Features • Excel has three components that perform in three different manners: 1. The Spreadsheet. 2. The Data sheet. 3. The Chart. • Create formulas on worksheets. It's easy and fast. • Enhanced formatting ...

Category: Office Suites and Tools

Compufield Computer Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
Compufield Computer InstituteCOMPUFIELD® Computer Institute was started in 1985 by Mr. M. E. Khairaz to impart training in Internet, Digital Art, Multimedia, Software and Netw...

Microsoft Outlook

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 15 Sessions
INR 3,500
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Microsoft Outlook

Category: Office Suites and Tools

Compufield Computer Institute

Maharashtra (Mumbai)
Compufield Computer InstituteCOMPUFIELD® Computer Institute was started in 1985 by Mr. M. E. Khairaz to impart training in Internet, Digital Art, Multimedia, Software and Netw...

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