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Sugar Craft (Cakes & Pastry) Courses in Vashi, Mumbai

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Location :- Vashi, Mumbai  
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Active Filters : Category : Cakes & Pastry | Learn : Sugar Craft | Provider Location : Vashi, Mumbai

Cake decoration with sugar craft Class

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 1 Days
Learn: Sugar Craft | Cake Decorating

Course Content: Butter Icing, Royal Icing Whip cream Icing, fondant, marzipan, gum paste, Different types flowers, Figures, border etc.

Category: Cakes & Pastry

Chef Prabhakar

Vashi, Mumbai
Chef PrabhakarHi, I'm Prabhakar, a freelance Pastry Chef from Mumbai, India. My kitchen is the heart of my world. Food brings me so much joy that both my working li...

Cooking Full Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 20 Days
Learn: Sugar Craft | Cake Decorating

Course Content: 30 varieties of dishes, 14 varieties chocolates, 8 varieties Ice cream, Cake decoration (Different types of Icing) Sugar craft, chocolate garnishing + extra reciepes.

Category: Cakes & Pastry | Chocolate Making | Ice-Cream Making

Chef Prabhakar

Vashi, Mumbai
Chef PrabhakarHi, I'm Prabhakar, a freelance Pastry Chef from Mumbai, India. My kitchen is the heart of my world. Food brings me so much joy that both my working li...

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