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Active Filters : Category : Mechanical Engineering | Learn : Strength Of Materials | Duration : Above 2 Years
Course Content: The Four Year Full- Time Electronic and Electrical Engineering degree programme offers deep knowledge of various subjects with in-depth of practical experience to become competent professional engineers. The programme gives thorough emphasis on teaching through design to develop the students’ capabilities in assessing engineering options with creativity & flair. Career Opportunities The ... Category: Mechanical Engineering | ME/MTech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering | Eletrical & Electronics Engineering | + | G.D. Goenka World InstituteIndia (Haryana) The GD Goenka World Institute campus is set on 60 sprawling acres with the ancient and picturesque Aravalli hills for a backdrop. The gleaming towers ... |
Course Content: The Four Year Full- Time Mechanical Engineering degree programme offers deep knowledge of various subjects with an in depth practical experience to become competent professional engineers. The programme gives thorough emphasis on teaching through design to develop the students’ capabilities in assessing engineering options with creativity & flair. Career Opportunities The Institute place... Category: Mechanical Engineering | ME/MTech in Mechanical Engineering | Control Engineering | Computer Engineering | + | G.D. Goenka World InstituteIndia (Haryana) The GD Goenka World Institute campus is set on 60 sprawling acres with the ancient and picturesque Aravalli hills for a backdrop. The gleaming towers ... |
Course Content: Subjects Covered PART I 1 Engineering Mechanics 2 Engineering Drawings 3 Theory of Mechanics 4 Applied Thermodynamics PART II 1 Strength of Materials 2 Machine Elements 3 Machine Elements 4 Instrumentation PART I II 1 Fluid Mechanic 2 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3 Manufacturing 4 Environmental Engineering Exam. Duration: 10 Days Per Semester Category: Mechanical Engineering | Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (GDME) | Institute of Engineering and Technological StudiesIndia (Maharashtra) IETS offers comprehensive engineering programs that are flexible, cost effective, time saving and practical oriented. IETS (Institute of Engineering A... |
Course Content: Programme Duration Four year Full Time B.Tech. in the following disciplines with the intake mentioned against each is offered at the Mumbai and Shirpur Campus. Intake Mechanical Engineering – 60 UNIQUE FEATURES • The modern facilities to provide ambience and support for curricula and extra curricula activities for the overall development of students. • The dedicated, qualified fa... Category: Mechanical Engineering | BE/BTech in Mechanical Engineering | Electronics Engineering | Environment Management | + | SVKM's NMiMS - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & EngineeringIndia (Maharashtra) Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (MPSTME) is a dream come true for NMIMS and SVKM as we are expanding our forte and grow... |
Course Content: The Department of Civil Engineering was started in 2010 which offers undergraduate course admitting 60 students. We have well-equipped laboratories which adequately fulfill the requirements of undergraduate course. The department has a team of highly qualified & well experienced, dedicated faculty members, who strive to give their 100 percent. The department is committed to adopt pos... Category: Mechanical Engineering | BE/BTech in Civil Engineering | Civil Engineering | Mathematics, Logic & Statistics | Physics | + | Sandip Foundation's Institute of Engineering & ManagementIndia (Maharashtra) Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management (SIEM) was established in the year 2008-2009, with five Engineering courses. Approved by the All India ... |
Course Content: Programme Duration Four year Full Time B.Tech. in the following disciplines with the intake mentioned against each is offered at the Mumbai and Shirpur Campus. Intake Mechanical Engineering – 60 Unique Feature • The modern facilities to provide ambience and support for curricula and extra curricula activities for the overall development of students. • The dedicated, qualified fac... Category: Mechanical Engineering | BE/BTech in Mechanical Engineering | Mathematics, Logic & Statistics | Physics | + | SVKM's NMiMS - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (Shirpur)India (Maharashtra) Founded in 2007, the Shirpur Campus of NMIMS has wholly materialized the university’s vision—to be a vibrant and innovative centre of educ... |
Course Content: Programme Duration Four year Full Time B.Tech. in the following disciplines with the intake mentioned against each is offered at the Mumbai and Shirpur Campus. Intake Civil Engineering – 60 Specialisations Offered Six technology areas are being offered with following intake at Mumbai as well as Shirpur campus. Areas Mumbai No. of seats Shirpur No. of seats Information Technology 60 60 Comput... Category: Mechanical Engineering | BE/BTech in Civil Engineering | Mathematics, Logic & Statistics | Physics | Civil Engineering | + | SVKM's NMiMS - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (Shirpur)India (Maharashtra) Founded in 2007, the Shirpur Campus of NMIMS has wholly materialized the university’s vision—to be a vibrant and innovative centre of educ... |
Course Content: The Vision of NMIMS is to be a world-class center of excellence in management learning and innovation driven by social sensitivity and state of the art technology. To better understand the Industry requirements, we had conducted an in-depth study and had interactions with a cross section of industry leaders. These indicated that managers in the industries would be more effective with a strong foun... Category: Mechanical Engineering | MBA | BE/BTech in Manufacturing Engineering | BE/BTech in Mechanical Engineering | + | SVKM's NMiMS - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & EngineeringIndia (Maharashtra) Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (MPSTME) is a dream come true for NMIMS and SVKM as we are expanding our forte and grow... |
Course Content: The Vision of NMIMS is to be a world-class center of excellence in management learning and innovation driven by social sensitivity and state of the art technology. To better understand the Industry requirements, we had conducted an in-depth study and had interactions with a cross section of industry leaders. These indicated that managers in the industries would be more effective with a strong foun... Category: Mechanical Engineering | MBA | BE/BTech in Civil Engineering | Mathematics, Logic & Statistics | Civil Engineering | + | SVKM's NMiMS - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & EngineeringIndia (Maharashtra) Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (MPSTME) is a dream come true for NMIMS and SVKM as we are expanding our forte and grow... |
Course Content: The Vision of NMIMS is to be a world-class center of excellence in management learning and innovation driven by social sensitivity and state of the art technology. To better understand the Industry requirements, we had conducted an in-depth study and had interactions with a cross section of industry leaders. These indicated that managers in the industries would be more effective with a strong foun... Category: Mechanical Engineering | MBA (General) | BE/BTech in Manufacturing Engineering | BE/BTech in Mechanical Engineering | + | SVKM's NMiMS - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (Shirpur)India (Maharashtra) Founded in 2007, the Shirpur Campus of NMIMS has wholly materialized the university’s vision—to be a vibrant and innovative centre of educ... |
Course Content: The Vision of NMIMS is to be a world-class center of excellence in management learning and innovation driven by social sensitivity and state of the art technology. To better understand the Industry requirements, we had conducted an in-depth study and had interactions with a cross section of industry leaders. These indicated that managers in the industries would be more effective with a strong foun... Category: Mechanical Engineering | MBA (General) | BE/BTech in Civil Engineering | Civil Engineering | Physics | + | SVKM's NMiMS - Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering (Shirpur)India (Maharashtra) Founded in 2007, the Shirpur Campus of NMIMS has wholly materialized the university’s vision—to be a vibrant and innovative centre of educ... |