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Entrance Exam Preparation Training Courses in India by Integrator

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Location :- India  
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Active Filters : Category : Entrance Exam Preparation | Course Type : Training/Coaching/Tuition | Provider : Integrator

IIT - JEE - 2013 Entrance Exam Coaching

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Years
Learn: JEE

Course Content: Spread over a span of two years this program is designed to help students transit smoothly, from Xth to XIth and build a strong foundation in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics and Biology Module 1- This module covers the topics in all four subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology for Class XI. In this module first we will cover the basics of X1. The Topics are covered in greater det...

Category: Entrance Exam Preparation | Engineering Entrance Exam


India (Karnataka)
IntegratorINTEGRATOR Classes is a premier IITJEE coaching organization and for its quality coaching, highly disciplined teaching methodology, high level of sati...

AIEEE + CET - 2013 Entrance Exam Coaching

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: AIEEE | CET

Category: Entrance Exam Preparation | Engineering Entrance Exam


India (Karnataka)
IntegratorINTEGRATOR Classes is a premier IITJEE coaching organization and for its quality coaching, highly disciplined teaching methodology, high level of sati...

AIPMT - 2013 Entrance Exam Coaching

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: AIPMT

Category: Entrance Exam Preparation | Medical Entrance Exam


India (Karnataka)
IntegratorINTEGRATOR Classes is a premier IITJEE coaching organization and for its quality coaching, highly disciplined teaching methodology, high level of sati...

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