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Medical Entrance Exam Coaching Classes in Panvel

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Location :- Panvel  
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Active Filters : Category : Medical Entrance Exam | Price (Fees) : Unknown | Duration : Unknown Duration | Provider Location : Panvel

Combined Training for College and Entrance Exams

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: NEET | MHT CET | PMT | NDA Exam | NATA | NIFT | CDS Exam | MBA EXAM | MPSC Exam | UPSC Exam | Railway (Officers - Engineers) | +

Course Content: Officer training- Regular Integrated Training One combined training for all entrance exams, brain development for school students and college students We have devised One single training for school students for covering both College syllabus as well as for all entrance and competitive exams. This is best for junior college students as well as those who are doing jobs and want to stud for entr...

Category: Medical Entrance Exam | Government/Civil Sector Exam | Architecture & Design Entrance Exam | Management/MBA Entrance Exam | +

Thane Study Circle

Panvel (New Panvel)
Welcome We are a family, a STUDY GROUP BY STUDENTS- OF STUDENTS - FOR STUDENTS So we can relate with you. We can help you to deal with class...

Summer Stuff for Post X Board

Vacation | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: NEET | IAS Exam | NIFT | NATA | NDA Exam | JEE | MPSC Exam | UPSC Exam | CA-CPT Exam | SSB Exam | General Knowledge | +

Course Content: 'Till-XI-College-Opens' training after Class X board exam Utilize each and every day having Fun and also learning stuff important for college and Entrance tests Every year we see that students who pass Class X get bored in the Summer vacation...the vacation pinches and specially the second half of vacation time gets literally wasted speculating about College admissions. so we have planned a Summer...

Category: Medical Entrance Exam | Government/Civil Sector Exam | Architecture & Design Entrance Exam | Engineering Entrance Exam | +

Thane Study Circle

Panvel (New Panvel)
Welcome We are a family, a STUDY GROUP BY STUDENTS- OF STUDENTS - FOR STUDENTS So we can relate with you. We can help you to deal with classes, chapte...

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