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2D Design Drawing Courses in India

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Active Filters : Category : Drawing | Learn : 2D Design Drawing

Certificate Course in Art

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Learn: 2D Design Drawing | 3D Design Drawing | 2D Animation | 3D Animation | Web Designing

Course Content: Anyone can draw!! That being the foundation, the course is designed to help those pursuing careers in the industries of 2D/3D animation, web-design and fashion design and film and television media. The sessions will consist of instructions, practical workshops, and audio visual content comprising of short films and documentaries on subjects relevant to media arts. At the end of the course, a candi...

Category: Drawing | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia | Web Technologies | Fashion Design & Textile Design | Film Making & Television

SPICE - St Pauls Institute of Communication Education

India (Maharashtra, Karnataka ...)
SPICE - St Pauls Institute of Communication EducationA state-of-the-art Media Institute for Journalism, 3D Animation, Graphic Design, Photography, Film-Making and Video Editing Located in Bandra (West) i...

Foundation Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: 2D Design Drawing | Memory Drawing | Nature Drawing | Sketching | Object Drawing

Course Content: This is an advanced drawing and painting course with subjects like Object Drawing (manmade & nature). 2D design, Memory Drawing, Perspective, Colour Theory and sketching. Useful for the students taking up a career in Fine Art, Applied Art, Animation etc.

Category: Drawing

Subodh Narvekar's Art Classes

India (Maharashtra)
Subodh Narvekar's Art ClassesStarted in 1984 by my father Shri Subodh Narvekar near Girgaon Chowpatty as a weekly hobby drawing class. As a renowned artist and illustrator, Shri S...

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