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Photography Courses in Andheri West, Mumbai

View 5 courses from 4 providers
Location :- Andheri West, Mumbai  
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Active Filters : Category : Photography | Provider Location : Andheri West, Mumbai

Diploma Course in Photography (12 Months)

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 12 Months
Learn: Basic Photography | Studio Photography | Documentary Photography

Course Content: FX School's 12-month Diploma Course in photography helps you acquire the practical skills necessary to become a professional photographer. With this course, you gain in-depth knowledge of the working of DSLRs, studio lighting, outdoor photography, and advanced digital imaging techniques. A hands-on, project-oriented approach helps you build a substantial portfolio that will showcase your photograp...

Category: Photography | Diploma in Photography

Fx School

Andheri West, Mumbai
Fx SchoolFX School is a high quality institute in the fields of animation, visual effects, digital painting, photography and digital filmmaking, collectively c...

Still Photography and Journalism Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Still Photography

Course Content: Photography offers a good career option. Newspapers, magazines, and books make extensive use of photographs. Photographers are in demand for covering marriage functions and other celebrations in a family and events such as public meetings, exhibitions, fairs, games, sports and stage shows as well as for supplying portraits for a variety of purposes which include filing of applications, making of i...

Category: Photography | Journalism

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

Andheri West, Mumbai
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Diploma in Fashion Photography

Part Time | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 6 Months
Learn: Fashion Photography

Course Content: The Course covers the following core areas • Understanding of fashion • Knowledge and skills in photography • Design • Pixel art • Studio pro • Work process Understanding of fashion and photography withing its context, Art Foundation, studion pro and pixel art. Know how about photography design process, camera handling and studio lighting, outdoor photography an...

Category: Photography | Diploma in Fashion Photography

FE Institute Of Art & Design

Andheri West, Mumbai
FE Institute Of Art & DesignA world where creativity knows no bounds, where dreams turn into reality, where ideas mould into remarkable powers where impossibilities turn into opp...

Diploma in Fashion Communication

Part Time | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 2 Years
Learn: Fashion Photography | Fashion Communication | Fashion Styling | Fashion Journalism

Course Content: The Course covers the following core areas • Intorduction to fashion studies • Fashion photography • Visual merchandising • Media and advertising • Branding • Event mangement • Fashion journalism • Fashion styling • Communication development • Print graphics Understanding of fashion, styling, Illustration, Fashion language guide, art foun...

Category: Photography | Fashion Design & Textile Design | Journalism | Event Management

FE Institute Of Art & Design

Andheri West, Mumbai
FE Institute Of Art & DesignA world where creativity knows no bounds, where dreams turn into reality, where ideas mould into remarkable powers where impossibilities turn into opp...

Course in Photography

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Learn: Professional Photography

Course Content: Become a Professional Photographer. A picture is worth a thousand words! Artists want to express their feelings and emotions through their pictures, people love nature and want to capture its beauty. Photography is a medium of creative art and a photograph is a picture created with mechanical, chemical or electronic means. Newspapers and news magazines need news events covered with supporting phot...

Category: Photography

Livewires - The Media Institute

Andheri West, Mumbai
Livewires - The Media InstituteToday, LIVEWIRES - THE MEDIA INSTITUTE is considered one of the most prominent institute of MEDIA education in the world. AT LIVEWIRES - THE MEDIA INS...

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