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Sculpture Courses in Pune

View 3 courses from 1 providers
Location :- Pune  
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Active Filters : Category : Sculpture | Provider Location : Pune

One Year International Programme in Fine Arts

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Ceramics Painting

Course Content: Qualification Honored One Year International Diploma in Fine Arts by CCL London Who is the Course for? The course is aimed at individuals wishing to explore various disciplines within Fine Art to further progress into the professional industry or continue with further education at an advance level at FAD International or at another academic institution. Course Introduction The one year intensive c...

Category: Sculpture | Diploma in Fine Arts | Printmaking | Painting | Photography

Fashion Art Design FAD International

Pune (Koregaon Park)
Fashion Art Design FAD InternationalFAD International has its roots in the creative sector through its parent company, which was established as western India’s first design studio ...

International Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

Regular | Classroom | Bachelor's Degree

Duration: 3 Years

Course Content: Qualification Honored Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts (BFA) The first 2 years of the degree are certified by CCL London and the final year is honoured as a top up degree by the UK University. The degree is not a UGC, AICTE or Govt. of India honoured degree. Course Introduction International Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts allows students to progress from a foundation to a Professional level in vario...

Category: Sculpture | BFA | Painting | Printmaking | Fine Arts

Fashion Art Design FAD International

Pune (Koregaon Park)
Fashion Art Design FAD InternationalFAD International has its roots in the creative sector through its parent company, which was established as western India’s first design studio ...

Post Graduate Programme in Fine Arts

Regular | Classroom | Master's Degree

Duration: 1 Years

Course Content: Qualification Honored PG Diploma in Fine Art by CCL London Who is the Course for? The PG Programme is aimed at individuals having graduated in Fine Art or relevant fields or practicing artists and professionals wishing to pursue higher education. The course is also ideal for practicing artists wanting to explore other mediums of fine art and engage with a mix of students from various art field on ...

Category: Sculpture | PGP in Fine Arts | Fine Arts & Crafts | Painting | Photography

Fashion Art Design FAD International

Pune (Koregaon Park)
Fashion Art Design FAD InternationalFAD International has its roots in the creative sector through its parent company, which was established as western India’s first design studio ...

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