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Classroom Health, Wellness & Fitness Courses in India by Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

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Active Filters : Category : Health, Wellness & Fitness | Delivery : Classroom | Provider : Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

Gentle Yoga Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Course Content: Gentle yoga, rightfully as the name suggest is the based on slow and rhythmic movement of your body. Asanas are maintained for certain duration with ease before moving into another with breathing. This style includes traditional surya-namaskara, yogasanas, basic pranayama benficial for slow but steady expansion of lungs, proper circulation and blood and oxygen through out your body, distressing th...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Dynamic Yoga with Yogalates Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Course Content: Using the best from Hatha yoga and basic Pilates (mat-work) your body is made to move into different postures in a rhythmic fashion with moderate speed. This style includes various sun-salutations, yogasanas, basic pilates moves, basic pranayama combined to work intensely not only to tone your core muscles of abdomen, back and thighs but also provide you with flexibility and strength. Style of yog...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Corporate Yoga Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Corporate Yoga

Course Content: Corporate yoga is more than just merely strengthening exercises or relaxation. We not just focus on providing you and your employees with regular fitness and adequate relaxation both at physical and mental level but also aim in reducing injury, control the usual complaints of neck pain, back pain, common cold, tension headache, work related stress thereby increasing the company's productivity and ...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Meditation and Pranayama Course

Crash/Intensive | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Pranayam

Course Content: Meditation and Pranayama course deals with providing the right base for beginners as well as a platform to go explore more about one's inner self and pranic flow for intermediate level practioners. Attending this course will help you set the basics right with respect to prana, better and steady concentration, able to with stand distractions, able to control your merging deeper into dhyana, enjoyin...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Meditation | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Yoga Therapy Course

Crash/Intensive | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 15 Days
Learn: Yoga Therapy

Course Content: Yoga Therapy is a holistic approach used to combat various psycho-somatic ailments of modern day living. The treatment given to the patient will be strictly on yogic practices only and is provided by expert yoga therapists working closely with the patient assisting them with easy in and out of various postures, breathing practices, modifying them to avoid dis-comfort, monitoring the improvements a...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Therapy

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Yoga Mudra and Mantra Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Mudra Yoga | Mantra Yoga

Course Content: Yoga Mudras and Mantras are the powerful techniques used to lock and unlock energies/Prana running through-out our body in different proportions. This lock and unlock energizing technique when merged with appropriate Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Kriya replenishes and rejuvenates your body and mind. Apt combination of Yoga Mudra and Mantra with Yoga Therapy is a boon for people suffering from pys...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Yoga for Ladies Course

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Course Content: This is an exclusive yoga class dedicated to housewives for not only for improving their over-all health but also addressing and teaching them how to control and over-come few of the ailments/problems most commonly seen in ladies like, Hypo-Thyroidisim, Obesity, Anxiety and Depression, Irregular Menstrual cycle and others by the power of Yoga-Therapy. In short, this yoga is best suited for those w...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Power Yoga Course

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Power Yoga

Course Content: Power Yoga is an Americanized version of Astanga yoga popular in many gyms across the U.S and other countries. Its a combination of stretches, strengthening moves with various Asanas performed in a continuous movement from one position to the next along with Ujjaji breathing, creating an effective aerobic workout for beginners and experts alike. At Pradipika, We have customized Power yoga by addin...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Krida Yoga Course

Summer | Classroom | Kids Activities

Course Content: Yogic postures taught are a mixture of Therapeutic asanas along with fun based ones. Watch your kids become a Tiger, Cow, Bird, Tea-pot, Snake, Monkey, Frog, Chair, Sofa and many more. Allow your kids to learn the art of concentration and breathing right with meditation and pranayama practices as they improve their immunity and enjoy their child hood and innocence for a prolonged age. Krida yoga i...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Yoga Camp for Kids

Summer | Classroom | Kids Activities

Duration: 20 Days
Learn: Kids Yoga

Course Content: Summer/Winter Fun begins with Yoga, Bhagavad Gita recitals, Mantra Chantings, Bollywood Dance and Hobby Art. Enroll your kids to our 20 day camp and • Watch them become a Tiger, Cat, Bird, Monkey, Tree, Frog, Snake and more as they mover into different yogic postures with breathing. • Learn the art of concentration leading them to meditation and Pranayama practices for improving the im...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Astanga-Vinyasa Yoga Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Course Content: AstangaYoga is a system of yoga popularized by K. Pattabhi Jois, and which is often promoted as a modern-day form of classical Indian yoga. The term Vinyasa refers to the alignment of movement and breath, a method which turns static asanas into a dynamic flow. The breathing style I used in Astanga-Vinyasa yoga is Ujjayi which is a relaxed diaphragmatic style of breathing, characterized by an ocean...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Yoga Course

Crash/Intensive | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 15 Days

Course Content: Module- 1 • Dynamic yoga with yogalates • Pranayama Module – 2 • Suryanamaskara, Basic Asanas • Pranayama Module - 3 (Any one) • Stress Management • Memory and Concentration • Personality and Development Module – 4 • Yoga Therapy for specific illness/ailments (This is a personalized class) Module – 5 • Krida yoga for Kids only...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Yoga Therapy Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: Yoga Therapy

Course Content: Yoga Therapy is a holistic approach used to combat various psycho-somatic ailments of modern day living. The treatment given to the patient will be strictly on yogic practices only and is provided by expert yoga therapists working closely with the patient assisting them with easy in and out of various postures, breathing practices, modifying them to avoid dis-comfort, monitoring the improvements a...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Therapy

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

Yoga for Ladies Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Course Content: This is an exclusive yoga class dedicated to housewives for not only for improving their over-all health but also addressing and teaching them how to control and over-come few of the ailments/problems most commonly seen in ladies like, Hypo-Thyroidisim, Obesity, Anxiety and Depression, Irregular Menstrual cycle and others by the power of Yoga-Therapy. In short, this yoga is best suited for those w...

Category: Health, Wellness & Fitness | Yoga

Pradipika Institute of Yoga & Therapy

India (Karnataka)
Like the bright deepa (light) removes darkness of its surrounding Pradipika, The Institute of Yoga and Therapy aims in removing the darkness of pain a...

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