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Holistic Wellbeing Classes for Kids in India

View 1 courses from 1 providers
Location :- India  
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Active Filters : Category : Holistic Wellbeing | Course Type : Kids Activities

Early Training - Garbhasanskar - Bal Sanskar - Child Psychological Tricks

Regular | Classroom | Kids Activities

Learn: Bal Sanskar | Counseling | Garbhasanskar

Course Content: Scientific Methodology You can make your child Reach Maximum genetic Potential Mother-toddler Counselling Sessions ( Weekly Twice ) 1) Visual sense 2) Auditory sense 3) Social Skills 4) Emotional Skills 5) Cognitive skills 6) Intectual stimulation This is a scientific Substitute for Pre-Schooling(Preschools employ highly unscientific unqualified 'Teachers' who work for a few hundred rupees fo...

Category: Holistic Wellbeing | Birth Preparation, Prenatal And Pregnancy

Thane Study Circle

India (Maharashtra)
Welcome We are a family, a STUDY GROUP BY STUDENTS- OF STUDENTS - FOR STUDENTS So we can relate with you. We can help you to deal with class...

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