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Media & Mass Communication Courses in Mumbai by Digital Academy - The Film School

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Active Filters : Category : Media & Mass Communication | Duration : 3 - 12 Months | Provider : Digital Academy - The Film School | Provider Location : Mumbai

Screenplay Writing Course

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 6 Months, 52 Sessions
INR 84,269
Per Course
(Plus 12.36% Tax)
Learn: Screenwriting & Scriptwriting

Course Content: The script of a film is quite like the blue print design of a building or an outline sketch made by a painter before making the painting itself. A film script is nothing but a verbal blue print of a proposed film which indicates the order of events in a story, its dialogues and also the visual treatment and style. While it is possible to start making a film without a script, it is impossible to co...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

Film & Television Direction Course

Weekend | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 6 Months, 78 Sessions
INR 2,02,247
Per Course
(Plus 12.36% Tax)
Learn: Film Direction

Course Content: Though over a hundred years old, Cinema is still an evolving art form. Metamorphosing constantly as it does, both in content and in style, Cinema has managed to become the most powerful and vibrant art form within the short span of its existence. Cinema today shapes our ideas of ethnic identity, our ideas of culture, our ideas of the future as well as of the past, but most importantly it shapes id...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

Cinematography Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 10 Months, 128 Sessions
INR 2,69,663
Per Course
(Plus 12.36% Tax)
Learn: Cinematography

Course Content: Very simply the invention of the movie camera in the late 19th century started the miracle called Cinema. From extremely basic hand-cranked devices to the extremely sophisticated film and HD cameras of today-the history of cinematography is synonymous with the history of Cinema itself. The persons looking through the viewfinder, controlling aperture, focus, shutter angle and lighting are the magic...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

Film & Television Editing Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 6 Months, 100 Sessions
INR 1,23,595
Per Course
(Plus 12.36% Tax)
Learn: Film Editing

Course Content: If shooting is like generating the raw material of a film, the edit table is where the film finds its final processed & packaged form. The art of editing, no longer an invisible art as it used to be, is perhaps the very essence of Film Making. The Editor is the one who makes the final decisions about what needs to be seen and heard in a film, while also controlling its rhythm & pace. Extre...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

Film Making Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 6 Months
INR 3,37,079
Per Course
(Plus 12.36% Tax)
Learn: Film Making

Course Content: The Film Making course is specially designed for those students who not only want to learn film direction but additionally also want to acquire a specialized knowledge of all the technical skills that are used in film making viz -Cinematography, Sound, Editing, Acting, Production Design & Production. While giving theoretical & aesthetic inputs in Film Direction, we add something very impor...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

Post Graduate Diploma in Film and Television Direction

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Film Direction

Course Content: The one year Post Graduate Diploma Course in Film and Television Direction is designed to develop three qualities necessary for successful Film Directors. The three qualities are – • The ability to understand subjects intellectually and contextually with a high degree of eclectic philosophical abstraction. • The ability to convert themes into ideas and ideas into cinematic forms ...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | PGD in Film & Television | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

Post Graduate Diploma in Cinematography

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Cinematography

Course Content: The one year Post Graduate Course envisages Cinematography as both an aesthetic and technical course. We recognize that the development of a keen Cinematic and narrative aesthetic is as important as technical know-how and operational skills. The course therefore not only provides inputs in technical Cinematography but also Art History, Visual Literacy, Film Appreciation and Film History. On the te...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | PGD in Cinematography | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

Post Graduate Diploma in Film and Television Editing

Regular | Classroom | Postgraduate Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Film Editing

Course Content: The one year Post Graduate Course in Film and Television Editing recognizes the activity of Film Editing as being the final act of film writing. In that sense, the course is designed to encourage editing students to think of themselves more as auteurs, stylists and designers than simply as cutters. Recognizing the Cinematic experience as a purely mental construct or activity in the viewers mind, w...

Category: Media & Mass Communication | PGD in Film & Television | Film Making & Television

Digital Academy - The Film School

Mumbai (Andheri West)
Digital Academy - The Film SchoolDigital Academy was the result of a simple thought; to introduce the art and craft of cinema to passionate minds. We firmly believe in going the extra...

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