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Medical Courses in Delhi

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Active Filters : Category : Medical | Price (Fees) : Unknown | Duration : Unknown Duration | Provider Location : Delhi

Certificate Course In Fixed Orthodontics (Clinic Based)

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Learn: Orthodontics | Fixed Orthodontics

Course Content: The concepts and implementation of this practice oriented handson course will allow any participant to confidently start fixed orthodontics in his practice. The course covers the latest in fixed orthodontic treatment mechanics including MBT (Straight Wire) system. The course is designed in such a way that the participant can easily understand the basics and will confidently be able to incorporate ...

Category: Medical | Dental/Dentistry

Academy of Fixed Orthodontics

Delhi (New Delhi)
The most comprehensive orthodontic education in the World! Dr.Ravi Kumar has been practicing and teaching orthodontics for the last 12 years. He is a ...

Certificate Course In Fixed Orthodontics (Online)

Online | Certificate

Learn: Orthodontics | Fixed Orthodontics

Course Content: The concepts and implementation of this practice oriented handson self starter online course will allow any participant to choose the content / period of study that best suits his/her practice. The course covers the latest in fixed orthodontic treatment mechanics including MBT (Straight Wire) system. The course is designed in such a way that the participant can easily understand the basics and wil...

Category: Medical | Dental/Dentistry

Academy of Fixed Orthodontics

Delhi (New Delhi)
The most comprehensive orthodontic education in the World! Dr.Ravi Kumar has been practicing and teaching orthodontics for the last 12 years. He is a ...

Scientific & Preventive Diet Management Cookery Class

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Learn: Diet Cooking | Low Fat Diet

Course Content: These classes aim at providing you a sound knowledge about the ingredients, thus also guiding you to indulge in Mindful & Corrective eating methods to keep health problems at bay. For e.g. If some person has High Blood pressure-he/she is advised to have food with less or no salt, so we have to make recipes which are not bland & can be enjoyed without using much salt or oil; Similarly a per...

Category: Medical | Nutrition & Dietitian | Main Course Cooking

Komal's Kitchen Affairs

Delhi (New Delhi)
Komal's Kitchen AffairsWelcome to the vast world of gastronomic delight. To indulge in artistic enticing food is to refresh rejuvenate your mind, body & soul as it satis...

Certificate Course In Straight Wire Orthodontics (City Based)

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Learn: Orthodontics

Course Content: This is a 2 day practice oriented handson course meant for the general dental practitioner who wants to include fixed orthodontics treatment in his skill repertoire and thus increase his patient base. The course is also meant for those dentists who are practicing older techniques of labial orthodontics and want to switch over to the more modern straight wire (MBT) technique. The course consists of...

Category: Medical | Dental/Dentistry

Academy of Fixed Orthodontics

Delhi (New Delhi)
The most comprehensive orthodontic education in the World! Dr.Ravi Kumar has been practicing and teaching orthodontics for the last 12 years. He is a ...

Diploma Course In Fixed Orthodontics

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Learn: Orthodontics | Fixed Orthodontics

Course Content: AFO brings to you the only self-starter orthodontic Diploma course in the world where you can learn everything in Labial and Lingual orthodontics. What is more, you get 5 years of free post-course mentoring for all your extant and new cases. The concepts and implementation of this practice oriented handson self starter online course will allow any participant to choose the content / period of stud...

Category: Medical | Diploma | Dental/Dentistry

Academy of Fixed Orthodontics

Delhi (New Delhi)
The most comprehensive orthodontic education in the World! Dr.Ravi Kumar has been practicing and teaching orthodontics for the last 12 years. He is a ...

Post Graduate Certificate in Management (Pharmaceutical Marketing)

Online | Postgraduate Diploma

Learn: Pharmaceutical Marketing

Course Content: The Pharmaceutical industry of India is an ongoing giant with an annual turnover of Rs. 269 billion and still showing a growth of 6.4%. The future market size is projected at US$25 billion (Mckinsey Report). Presently the industry directly employs over 5,00,000 people, while 24,00,000 are indirectly employed. AIMA-CME with its expertise has delivered this programme to two pharma giants and is now ...

Category: Medical | PG Certificate | Pharmacy

AIMA (All India Management Association)

Delhi (New Delhi)
AIMA (All India Management Association)Today amid all the transitions, there is one Indian body that’s helping the Indian managers to make the most of the new opportunities. One body ...

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