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Self Confidence Courses in Mumbai

View 2 courses from 1 providers
Location :- Mumbai  
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Active Filters : Category : Personality Development | Learn : Self Confidence | Provider Location : Mumbai

Kids at Little Munchkins

Regular | Classroom | Kids Activities

Learn: Self Confidence | Problem Solving | Mind Improvement | Self Development | Brain Power | Creative Intelligence

Course Content: Learn to be stronger in body (motor skills, strength and coordination), mind (creativity, cognitive development and problem solving) and spirit (social development and confidence)

Category: Personality Development

Lil' Munchkins

Mumbai (Khar West, Andheri West ...)
Lil' MunchkinsThe five pillars of Lil’ Munchkins are strength, balance, movement, stability and flexibility. Our aim is to have healthy kids, healthy families...

Superstars (Fitness Course for Special Needs Children)

Regular | Classroom | Kids Activities

Learn: Self Confidence | Self Development | Kids Fitness | Fitness | Gymnastics

Course Content: Special Needs Children  Lil’ Munchkins teaches basic gymnastics to children ages walking to fifteen with high functioning disabilities such as: (autism, asperger's syndrome, ADD/ADHD, down syndrome and hearing impairments). Most children enjoy playing actively, and exercising in a group can be especially enjoyable for kids with developmental delays or other special needs. The social nat...

Category: Personality Development | Physical Fitness | Sports

Lil' Munchkins

Mumbai (Khar West, Andheri West ...)
Lil' MunchkinsThe five pillars of Lil’ Munchkins are strength, balance, movement, stability and flexibility. Our aim is to have healthy kids, healthy families...

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