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Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) Diploma Courses in India by AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

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Active Filters : Category : Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) | Course Type : Diploma | Price (Fees) : Unknown | Provider : AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

Diploma in Camera & Lighting Techniques

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Camera & Lighting

Course Content: There is much more to shooting a movie or television programme than to pointing a camera on the illuminated subject and operating it. The cameraperson is required to create images for the presentation on the screen that delight the eye. He has, therefore, to understand and employ the psychology of human perception to do his work. In otherwords, the cameraperson has to understand how the human mind...

Category: Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) | Diploma in Camera & Lighting | Film Making & Television

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

India (Delhi, Maharashtra ...)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Diploma in Post Production

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Post Production

Course Content: A screen presentation is constituted by continuously changing series of images supported by sound for narrating a story or conveying a message, in a coherent manner. The prime purpose of a screen presentation is to capture and hold audience attention. The foundation of the art of screen presentation is editing. Film or video editing is much more than joining together of images and sound recorded o...

Category: Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) | Diploma in Film Making | Film Making & Television

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

India (Delhi, Maharashtra ...)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Diploma in Visual Communication

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years

Course Content: This one year course is an intense four semester programme covering the full range of skills for screen presentation at appropriate professional level. The students of this course learn these skills in general and four of them - Production/Director & TV Journalism, Camera & Lighting Techniques, Video Editing & Sound Recording and Acting & Presentation - in particular. The students ...

Category: Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) | Diploma in Visual Communication | Visual Communication

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

India (Delhi, Maharashtra ...)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Diploma in Acting for Film & TV

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 1 Years
Learn: Film Acting

Course Content: The modern actor is the product of an acting school! The success of a film or television presentation depends largely on the work of the actor and it is through his work that he brings life to the screen. The objective of acting is to create something believable, humane and to make the audience think while they are being amused, moved, enlightened, informed or scared out of their wits. The actors ...

Category: Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) | Diploma in Acting | Acting

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

India (Delhi, Maharashtra ...)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Diploma in Multimedia

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 12 Months
Learn: Multimedia

Course Content: The term multimedia refers to the use of computers to integrate text, images and sound into a presentation for an audience or user. Any means of conveying information is known as a medium and more than one medium clubbed together, is called the media. Written words, numbers and symbols are categorized as the text, images,still or moving and sound are the three mediums which constitute multimedia. ...

Category: Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) | Diploma in Multimedia Design | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

India (Delhi, Maharashtra ...)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

Diploma in Digital Design

Regular | Classroom | Diploma

Duration: 12 Months
Learn: Digital Design

Course Content: Digital Design students learn to design pieces that are both compelling and have purpose. Using live video, Flash, animation, and print, students create client-driven projects including TV commercials, branding guides, children’s books, music videos and websites. Overview : 75% practical training, 25% theoretical inputs Award : Diploma by Asian Academy of Film and Television Syllabus Term 1 ...

Category: Undergraduate Diplomas & Degrees (After 10th or After 12th) | Diploma in Web Design | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

India (Delhi, Maharashtra ...)
AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)We have always believed that a film school should take a holistic and realistic approach in its teaching. By holistic we mean that film school trainin...

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