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Classroom BBA Courses in India by Pran's Media Institute

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Location :- India  
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Active Filters : Category : BBA | Delivery : Classroom | Provider : Pran's Media Institute

Bachelor Of Business Administration (BBA)

Regular | Classroom | Bachelor's Degree

Duration: 3 Years
Learn: Business Administration Management

Course Content: This Programme opens corporate doors for students. The degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional areas of a company, and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. BBA programs thus expose students to a variety of "core subjects" and as above, allow students to specialize in a specific academic area. The degree also develops the student...

Category: BBA | Business Management

Pran's Media Institute

India (Delhi)
Pran's Media InstituteThe evergrowing advances in the field of mass communication and multimedia has opened up new vistas for the youth. It has created a huge scope for job...

Bachelor Of Business Administration (BBA)

Weekend | Classroom | Bachelor's Degree

Duration: 3 Years
Learn: Business Administration Management

Course Content: This Programme opens corporate doors for students. The degree is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional areas of a company, and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. BBA programs thus expose students to a variety of "core subjects" and as above, allow students to specialize in a specific academic area. The degree also develops the student...

Category: BBA | Business Management

Pran's Media Institute

India (Delhi)
Pran's Media InstituteThe evergrowing advances in the field of mass communication and multimedia has opened up new vistas for the youth. It has created a huge scope for job...

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