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Web Technologies Courses in India

Active Filters : Category : Web Technologies | Duration : 1 - 3 Months

Web Usability

Full Time | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Months (Total 120 Hrs)
Learn: Page Layout | Website Look and Feel | HTML | Page Optimization

Course Content: Content When you start your web page in a internet browser, what do you see? If you have designed a useful web page, you should see 80-90% what your client is looking for. However, with most sites, usually what your client is looking for only comprises between 50-60% or less of the main part of the site. The relax is ads, complicated routing, and unnecessary design. Page Layout Closely relevant to...

Category: Web Technologies | SEO

Institute Of Digital Marketing

India (Maharashtra)
Institute Of Digital MarketingOur Team Our Goal is to Impact and Enhance the Business profits for our clients leveraging the benefits of various IT tools. Our Expert team of Traine...

VB Script

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 1 Months
INR 5,590
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: VB Script

Category: Web Technologies


India (Maharashtra)
Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust (IITCP) is conducted by 'Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust'.

MEL and Python Programming

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: Python | Maya Embedded Language (MEL)

Course Content: After learning 2 Months of Programming with MEL and Python you will be able to make yourown tools as per production needs,using both MEL and Python. As well provides clear understanding on Maya Python API and Python in NUKE. • Introduction to MEL, Syntax, Data types • MEL Commands and Nodes • Conditions, Loops, Procs • Global Procs, environment setup • Expressions, Sc...

Category: Web Technologies | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

DQ School of Visual Arts

India (Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh ...)
DQ School of Visual ArtsDQSVA came into existence to offer well trained manpower to the ever growing media, animation and gaming industry needs. DQSVA, the training arm of DQ...


Full Time | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Months (Total 120 Hrs)
Learn: Adobe Dreamweaver | Website Framework | FTP

Course Content: Overview Dreamweaver comes with built-in FTP functionality, which is awesome because you don’t need to have a individual FTP customer to publish your papers information to your Web hosting server. Dreamweaver represents that you will have a replicate of your Website framework on your disk generate. So to be able to set up a computer file exchange establishing, you need to set up a website in...

Category: Web Technologies | Networking

Institute Of Digital Marketing

India (Maharashtra)
Institute Of Digital MarketingOur Team Our Goal is to Impact and Enhance the Business profits for our clients leveraging the benefits of various IT tools. Our Expert team of Traine...

ASP (Active Server page)

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 1 Months
INR 5,590
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Active Server Pages (ASP)

Category: Web Technologies


India (Maharashtra)
Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust (IITCP) is conducted by 'Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust'.

CorelDRAW Photoshop Course

Full Time | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Months (Total 120 Hrs)
Learn: Logo Design | CorelDRAW | Adobe Photoshop | Logo Design

Course Content: Overview Founded in 1985, Corel Organization has long been known mainly for its design software and document image resolution items. Corel generates items regularly regarded powerful solutions to Adobe and Ms. Once a top choice for web page structure, Corel Ventura — edition 10 was launched in 2002 — is not currently a leader in the Corel products. However, CorelDRAW, much like Adobe P...

Category: Web Technologies | Graphics, Animation and Multimedia

Institute Of Digital Marketing

India (Maharashtra)
Institute Of Digital MarketingOur Team Our Goal is to Impact and Enhance the Business profits for our clients leveraging the benefits of various IT tools. Our Expert team of Traine...


Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 1 Months
INR 3,590
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: HTML

Category: Web Technologies


India (Maharashtra)
Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust (IITCP) is conducted by 'Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust'.

Flash with Action Script 2.0/3.0

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Months
INR 20,000
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Adobe Flash | Adobe Flash ActionScript 2.0 | Adobe Flash ActionScript 3.0

Course Content: Flash Professional is the industry-leading authoring environment for creating and delivering interactive content. It is ideal for interactive designers, graphic designers, web designers and developers. Flash Professional CS5 has many new, exciting features for designers and developers. Designers will enjoy the powerful new text engine for typographic precision; new Spring attributes for the Bone t...

Category: Web Technologies

Gurudeva Media & Animation College (GMAC)

India (Delhi, Karnataka)
Gurudeva Media & Animation College (GMAC)GMAC (Gurudeva Media & Animation College). GMAC is the best Animation Institute in Delhi [India] registered ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) certified, with as...

AJAX Master - An Advanced AJAX Training Course

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: AJAX

Course Content: AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a technique used for creating web pages which are fast and dynamic. We are a leading training institute in India for practical AJAX training and Classes . In AJAX it is possible to update or refresh a particular portion of a web page rather than refreshing the entire web page if any content likely to be change. There are many popular applicati...

Category: Web Technologies

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

Online HTML5 / Dreamweaver / XHTML / CSS3 Course

Online | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: HTML5 | CSS3 | Adobe Dreamweaver | XHTML

Course Content: ADMEC Multimedia Institute presents short term online certificate course of HTML5/ Dreamweaver/ XHTML/ CSS3. The 5'Th version of HTML is known as HTML5 along with CSS3 and a series of JavaScript. On combining these technologies one can easily create complex applications which are created only for desktop pc in earlier days. This unique course gives its students to get hands on experience of design...

Category: Web Technologies | XML

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

PHP Course

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 45 Days
Learn: PHP Programming

Category: Web Technologies

IACT Education

India (Delhi)
IACT EducationIACT (Institute for Advanced Computer Technology) is an inimitable organization working with single-minded purpose to bring a gigantic transformation ...

PHP MySQL Premium Course

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: PHP Programming | MySQL

Course Content: ADMEC Multimedia Institute is one of the Top PHP Training Institutes known for its quality education. ADMEC's aim is to provide the student with nothing but the best. We are among the few PHP institutes in Delhi that provides the proficient PHP Training Courses . PHP is the widely-used server-side scripting language to create dynamic and data-driven web pages and web applications. Besides the PHP,...

Category: Web Technologies | Database

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

Web Developer Standard Course

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Web Development

Course Content: Most people mix web designing with web development , but the real facts is that web development is completely different aspect in the making of a website. In web development a person learns various advanced programming languages like PHP which can be combined with other web scripting languages to make dynamic website. Web Developer also works with various databases like MySQL to make a website dyn...

Category: Web Technologies

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

Adobe Flash ActionScript

Online | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 12 Weeks, 250 Sessions
INR 10,000
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)
Learn: Adobe Flash ActionScript 3.0

Course Content: Adobe Flash ActionScript 3.0   Introduction: ActionScript is a scripting language based on ECMAScript. ActionScript is used primarily for the development of websites and software using the Adobe Flash Playerplatform (in the form of SWF files embedded into Web pages), but is also used in some database ActionScript was initially designed for controlling simple 2D vector animations made in Adobe...

Category: Web Technologies

Aonline Training

India (Maharashtra)
Aonline TrainingAonlinetraining is a division of Compufield - The Pioneer Computer Institute which was established in 1985. The Institute is experienced in training s...

T.Y. B.Sc (Comp. Science) - HTML, DHTML

Regular | Classroom | Training/Coaching/Tuition

Duration: 1 Months
INR 5,590
Per Course
(Taxes As Applicable)

Course Content: • HTML • DHTML

Category: Web Technologies | Third Year BSc in Computer Science Coaching


India (Maharashtra)
Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust (IITCP) is conducted by 'Institute for Training in Computer Programming Trust'.

Yahoo User Interface (YUI) Library Master

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: User Interface Designing

Course Content: YUI or Yahoo User Interface Library is today's most popular JavaScript library for creating modular, scalable, and fast applications for desktop browsers, mobile devices and servers. YUI's highly lightweight core and extra modular architecture helps it in becoming more and more robust library of JavaScript. YUI Master Course offered by ADMEC Multimedia Institute is a unique course where web design...

Category: Web Technologies

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

PHP MYSQL Master Course

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: PHP Programming | MySQL

Course Content:   Welcome to the world's most popular serverside programming i.e. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). It is a powerful and robust scripting language for server-side logics, Web Applications, creating Dynamic Websites, and developing Data-driven Projects. Likewise MySQL is the popular open source database which is very useful in creating and handling databases. These are the two applications whose c...

Category: Web Technologies | Database

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

JavaScript Master - An Advanced JavaScript Course

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: Java Script

Course Content: Finding a good institute for JavaScript training is a tough job, to solve this problem ADMEC Multimedia Institute presents JavaScript Master Course, a unique course in itself. We are one of the best JavaScript training institute in Delhi. This JavaScript course in our institute has been especially customized for web professionals who want to do an advanced and professional level training in web sc...

Category: Web Technologies

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

jQuery Master Course

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 2 Months
Learn: JQuery

Course Content: The jQuery Master Course by ADMEC Multimedia Institute is meant for those web programmers who want to enhance their Web Application development and User Interface designing skills with jQuery. This course teaches a developer the programmatic aspects of jQuery and will teach you as how to use jQuery to create interactive web pages. With state of the art lab and experienced & dedicated faculties...

Category: Web Technologies

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

Flash Advanced ActionScript 3.0

Regular | Classroom | Certificate

Duration: 3 Months
Learn: Adobe Flash ActionScript 3.0

Course Content: Mobiles, desktops, smart phones, tablets, televisions, laptops, and digital pads are few major developments which have been done with the use of ActionScript 3.0. You can find excessive use of Adobe Flash and ActionScript 3.0 now-a-days. ActionScript is the scripting language in Flash to create immersive and significant applications for the audience. Develop high impact, remarkable, and interactiv...

Category: Web Technologies

Animation & Digital Media Education Center

India (Delhi)
Animation & Digital Media Education Center"It was quiet shocking that students holding diplomas, graduation and post graduation degrees were not adequately trained according to today's world o...

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